Ficción y tensión narrativa – Samanta Schweblin in conversation with Moritz Lünenborg

Ficción y tensión narrativa – Samanta Schweblin in conversation with Moritz Lünenborg

Samanta Schweblin talks with Moritz Lünenborg about her current novel »Kentukis«/»Little Eyes«/«Hundert Augen«, the importance of first sentences, the film adaptation of her novel »Distancia de rescate«/»Fever Dream«/»Das Gift«, her time as a S. Fischer Guest Professor, and her relationship with Berlin, among other topics.

Samanta Schweblin was the Samuel Fischer Guest Professor at Freie Universität Berlin during winter semester 2020/21 . She is considered one of the most distinguished voices in contemporary Argentine literature. Her award-winning work has been translated into 25 languages and includes three volumes of short stories and three novels.

Moritz Lünenborg lives and works as a radio journalist in Magdeburg and Leipzig. Most recently, his short story »Magdeburg y nada« was published in the Mexican magazine Salvaje literatura y arte.


Samanta Schweblin spricht mit Moritz Lünenborg u.a. über ihren Roman »Hundert Augen«/»Kentukis«/»Little Eyes«, die Bedeutung erster Sätze, die Verfilmung ihres Romans »Das Gift«/»Distancia de rescate«, ihre Zeit als S. Fischer Gastprofessorin im Wintersemester 2020/21 und ihre Beziehung zu Berlin.

Gespräch in spanischer Sprache.

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